A New Book Published in Hungary

A New Experiment in Literary Translation
Three years ago, a team of young scholars undertook the task of translating Mend-Ooyo’s works in Lakitelek, Hungary, under the leadership of Prof. Birtalan Ágnes, head of the Department of Mongolian and Inner Asian Studies at Eötvös Loránd University.
Interestingly, the team went through great efforts to accurately distill and portray every minute detail and meaning within the works. In order to do so, they invited the author, enlisted the help of Mongolian linguistics experts, surveyed a wide array of dictionaries and discussed and chose from a long list of potential translations. For example, D.Badamdorj presented a paper discussing the three distinct variations of the word blue used in the works and how best to represent them. In such a manner, they meticulously discussed every detail of his works, such as the exact and detailed descriptions of horses, even having the author himself explain the intended meaning of his words. The project stands as an exciting new experiment in translation.

After years of close and careful deliberation, the translation team has published a book, showcasing the success of their experiment. The new book, Mongol Betyardal (The Song of Good Mongolian Men) features translations of one chapter each of “The Holy One” and “Shiliin Bogd” novels, as well as several poems including “The Way of the World”, “Quickwit Camel”, and “Letters from the Steppe”. Professor Birtalan Ágnes herself presented the book to Mend-Ooyo.
The book was started as the 2015 summer project of the PUBLIC SCHOOL program incepted by the Lezsák Sándor, a Hungarian poet, teacher and politician and was managing Speaker of the National Assembly of Hungary since Speaker, The final publication was released under the KAIROSZ publishing company.