


Year of National Literacy and Culture

  On April 24th of last year, G.Mend-Ooyo, a writer and poet who was awarded the Chinggis Khaan Order, sent an open letter to President U. Khurelsukh and Prime Minister L.Oyun-Erdene. In his letter, he reminded them that 2024 will be the anniversary of the historical monuments of Mongolian literacy and proposed to declare 2024 as the “Year of National Literacy and Culture” to make it a big wave of national literacy and book culture.April 24th of last year, G.Mend-Ooyo, a writer and poet who was awarded the Chinggis Khaan Order, sent an open letter to President U. Khurelsukh and Prime Minister L.Oyun-Erdene. In his letter, he reminded them that 2024 will be the anniversary of the historical monuments of Mongolian literacy and proposed to declare 2024 as the “Year of National Literacy and Culture” to make it a big wave of national literacy and book culture.

Interview on Romanian journal

Poetul mongol Gombojav Mend-Ooyo s-a născut și a crescut într-o familie de păstori nomazi, unde, după cum descrie el însuși, „viața sa era formată din stepa nesfârșită, cerul albastru și stelele, animalele din jur, caii iuți, cântecul, poveștile populare și caravanele de cămile...”. A început să scrie poezii la treisprezece ani și a publicat peste patruzeci de cărți de poezie, eseuri și ficțiune.
Un iubitor al tradiției mongole, Mend Ooyo G. a fost membru al Comitetului Național Mongol al UNESCO și, succesiv, director executiv, vicepreședinte și președinte al Fundației Culturale Mongole, apoi președinte al Agenției guvernamentale pentru cultură și artă. În timp ce faima sa se bazează în principal pe opera sa poetică, Mend-Ooyo este apreciat și în calitate de mare caligraf, specializat în caligrafie tradițională mongolă. Opera sa a fost tradusă de asemenea în aproximativ patruzeci de limbi. În prezent, Mend Ooyo G. este Președinte al Academiei de Cultură și Poezie a Mongoliei. Domnia sa a vizitat România împreună cu o delegație mongolă în cadrul unor manifestări culturale de excepție. Cu această ocazie a acordat în exclusivitate pentru ActiveNews următorul interviu:

Victor Roncea

Crown of Ovidio

It was a honor to receive this Crown of Ovidio in Constanta, Romania from the hands of  Archbishop Teodosie, the president of Tomitan Academy. 

Open the exhibition of Five Great Buddhas

An exhibition was opened for the first time in which the "Five Great Buddhas", which is the handiwork of Undur Gegeen Zanabazar, a unique historical and cultural heritage of Mongolia, are placed in one place. 

Participated to the XVI World Poetry Festival in Venezuela

Mongolian poet Mend-Ooyo participated by virtual to the XVI World Poetry Festival in Venezuela. 

The Venezuelan Ministry of Culture announced Wednesday the celebration of the XVI World Poetry Festival from October 13 to 20, with the participation of 35 foreign poets from some 30 countries, including Argentina, Cuba, Chile and Colombia.

Attended to the Opening of the “Chinggis Khaan” museum

The 860th anniversary of the birth of Great Chinggis Khaan is celebrating this year.  As part of this anniversary, “Chinggis Khaan” museum opened newly on October 11, 2022.
President of Mongolia U.Khurelsukh, Speaker of Parliament G.Zandanshatar, Prime Minister L.Oyun-Erdene and heads of foreign diplomatic missions and international organizations in Mongolia, participated in the opening ceremony. Stated honored cultural figures, artists are invited too.  

Attended to the 32nd International Poetry Festival of Medellín

Mongolian poet Mend-Ooyo attended to the 32nd International Poetry Festival of Medellín took place with scores of invitees from 24 countries. He read his 15 poems and the videos broadcasted at the opening and closing ceremony of the festival. Also some of them with the Spanish translations was published in the website of the festival.


Book fair 2020

We attended the National Bookfair at the central square in Ulaanbaatar. The event is home to huge crowds of readers and book lovers as well as writers and publishers.

Ten Volumes was published in Mongolian script

TEN volumes of Mend-Ooyo’s works have been published by the Inner Mongolian Publication house, in China.  The volumes have been printed in classic Mongolian script, which is still widely used in Inner Mongolia. It was included his poetry collection, two novels, essays, articles and reviews. 